Hi everyone!!

A little about me.

I was born February 21,1972, in Riverton Wy. And though my given name isn’t Nikki, I have been called Nikki (spelling hasn’t always be the same) since before I left the hospital. (I’m not going to tell you my real name because I don’t like it. And neither did my mom.)

I’m the 2nd to youngest of 7. Which, if you can believe, I a fairly good kid. I had to be because if my older sibling weren’t blaming everything on me, the youngest was. (Another reason I don’t like my real name. It was yelled more than it should have been lol). But siblings are pretty much the same in most places. (I might have tried it once or twice… but not more than 15 times lol).

On my first post, I said that I have been trying to find a way to show people that there is beauty in the world still for years. And that I might have found a way to do so.

And what I mean is that since I was pretty young, I have tried different things to, not only for money, make something that someone will fall in love with. Something that will make them smile, laugh or feel love for/by the world.

I learned the very basics of crocheting from an older lady that partially raised me, when I was about 6-7 years old. And from then I taught myself even more.

I love to learn different crafts, as long as they don’t cost a lot of money because….

I get a bored with it and go looking for the next craft to learn.

The only 3 “crafts” that I continue to learn about is crocheting, cooking and baking.

I’m not saying that I never go back to the other crafts, because I do.

One of my first memories with crocheting is sitting beside my mom one night crocheting clothes for a stuffed toy I had and loved. She watched me for a little bit, then told me that the stitch I was doing wasn’t a real stitch. I remember telling her that I didn’t care because it was working for that part of the dress I was doing, (let me tell you that I make up a lot of my own patterns).

I learned years later that it was a stitch that she didn’t know.

So I think that that is enough about me for now.

Today let’s learn a little about a character from Deadwood.. Potato Creek Johnny

If you look him up, you will find out that he had found a very large nugget of gold on his mining claim. It weighed 228.5 g, and one of the largest found in the Black Hills

He made quite a bit of money with it..

But not from the selling of it..and it wasn’t money that I’m talking about

The story I have heard many times is that he would go to the bar with it tied up in a piece of cloth, He would tell people that if they buy him a drink, he would untie a knot.

So slowly with the drinks he would untie each knot until the nugget was exposed.

Not sure how many people bought him drinks to see it, but a few certainly paid for the privilege to see it.

He did sell it in 1934 to W.E. Adams for $250 ($5694 in 2023). Adams put it on display in the Adams Museum here in Deadwood.

That’s enough for today.

Have a great day\night
